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For safe use and to be prepared in the case of an emergency leak of water, you must ensure you have a water specific spill kit on hand at all times to deal with the issue in a safe manner. At Tanks R Us we have a vast array of spill control equipment available for you to build up an effective kit. With a water loss not only being expensive, but also being dangerous to you and the environment, it is vital to react fast and with the correct spill control equipment to regain control of the situation. In order to do so and create a safe environment, our high-quality water spill control products from leading manufacturers provide you with an array of products to cover everything from absorbent pads to spill bins. If you’re not sure exactly what you may need, we supply water spill kits that contain an array of products to help you if an incident may occur. Shop our full range of water tank spill control equipment below, or contact us to find out more about how you can make your tank storage safer.
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