Red diesel is regular diesel combined with chemical markers and red dye
The dye is added to make it easier to identify. It is only usable in specific cases, and it is actually illegal to use red diesel for driving on public roads.
The latest changes in regulations now mean that red diesel can only be used in approved industries such as the agriculture sector. This is to encourage more industries to invest in cleaner alternatives and improve their vehicles and machinery's energy efficiency. This is part of a bigger target the UK set in June 2019 when it introduced laws ensuring an end to its climate change contribution by 2050. The original goal was to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% compared to 1990 levels. Reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 is the new aim, and changes to red diesel regulations are a key step.
A large portion of businesses that actively use red diesel will now have to look into alternatives. It's key to check your business is on the approved list of sectors before continuing usage. If you are interested in our expert services we offer removal, cleaning, and replacement services for your old tanks.
Yes, red diesel is being phased out in a range of industries in favour of more environmentally friendly alternatives.
As of the 1st April 2022, red diesel can be used in the agriculture sector (including horticulture, forestry, and fish farming), freight and passenger rails as well as non-commercial heating systems.
The Budget 2020 announcement was to remove red diesel and rebated biodiesel entitlements from the 1st April 2022 for many sectors. After this point, red diesel can only be used in approved industries. You can find out more about the red diesel regulations here.
Yes, red diesel can be detected years after usage due to the chemical dye used within the diesel, this is because it is supposed to linger.
Red diesel itself is not illegal, there are just new laws on how it can be used. However, as of the 1st April 2022, red diesel can only be used in approved industries for specified purposes and IS illegal for other industries.
Using red diesel outside of its approved sectors is a criminal offence. If you are caught using red diesel after the 1st of April 2022 you can be prosecuted and face heavy fines, on top of this you vehicle/tank could be seized by the authorities. The user will have the opportunity to appeal if they believe they are still entitled to use the fuel.
Red diesel is made up of the same chemical compounds as regular white diesel, meaning it can power all diesel-powered engines. However, using red diesel in a regular everyday road vehicle on public roads is considered tax evasion and you will be prosecuted.
Leaving red diesel in a tank unused can cause environmental hazards if left for a long period of time. The disposal of red diesel can also cause significant environmental damage if not handled correctly. Thankfully Tanks R Us, offer an expert tank removal and replacement service for those of you looking to switch out your old tanks.
If you are interested in our expert services we offer removal, cleaning, and replacement services for your old tanks.
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